Benefits on Using H-P2PSIP in Mobile Environments


Isaías Martinez-Yelmo, Alex Bikfalvi, Carmen Guerrero


The use of peer-to-peer technologies is increasing everyday and the improvement of mobility technologies is a reality. Now, it is expected that peer-to-peer applications run on mobile devices, but the conjunction of these two technologies is an open research issue. The user mobility impacts on the churn suffered by peer-to-peer networks and consequently it impacts on their performance. Therefore, some mechanisms are necessary to minimize this undesirable effect. Our proposal tries to solve this problem by using a Hierarchical P2PSIP architecture where different overlays are used for different peer mobility behaviours and they are interconnected between them through an interconnection overlay. In this way it is possible for peers that share the same behaviour to choose a certain protocol or to optimize some functionality that suits best with their mobility situation, while maintaining connectivity with all peers.


Presented at VIII Jornadas de Ingeniería Telemática
September 15-17, 2009, Cartagena, Spain

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Last updated: April 8, 2011