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CHostClientPull Member List

This is the complete list of members for CHostClientPull, including all inherited members.
AddLink(CLink *link) (defined in CNode)CNode
address (defined in CNode)CNode [protected]
Address() (defined in CNode)CNode [inline]
channel (defined in CHostClient)CHostClient [protected]
ChannelConnect(CChannel *channel) (defined in CHostClient)CHostClient [protected]
ChannelConnectMcast(CChannel *channel) (defined in CHostClientPull)CHostClientPull [protected, virtual]
ChannelConnectUcast(CChannel *channel) (defined in CHostClientPull)CHostClientPull [protected, virtual]
ChannelDisconnect() (defined in CHostClient)CHostClient [protected]
ChannelDisconnectMcast() (defined in CHostClientPull)CHostClientPull [protected, virtual]
ChannelDisconnectUcast() (defined in CHostClientPull)CHostClientPull [protected, virtual]
ChannelSwitch(CChannel *channel) (defined in CHostClient)CHostClient [protected]
CHost(__uint32 id, CSimHandler *sim, CAddress address, CInfo *info, CData *data) (defined in CHost)CHost
CHostClient(__uint32 id, CSimHandler *sim, CAddress address, CInfo *info, CData *data, __bitrate bw) (defined in CHostClient)CHostClient
CHostClientPull(__uint32 id, CSimHandler *sim, CAddress address, CInfoPull *info, CData *data, __bitrate bw) (defined in CHostClientPull)CHostClientPull
CNode(__uint32 id, CSimHandler *sim, CAddress address, __uint32 numLinks, CRoute *route, CInfo *info) (defined in CNode)CNode
CObject(CSimHandler *sim) (defined in CObject)CObject
data (defined in CHost)CHost [protected]
delegateLink (defined in CHostClientPull)CHostClientPull [protected]
delegateRecv (defined in CHostClientPull)CHostClientPull [protected]
delegateSend (defined in CNode)CNode [protected]
EState enum name (defined in CHostClient)CHostClient
EventArrive() (defined in CHostClient)CHostClient
EventLeave() (defined in CHostClient)CHostClient
eventRecv (defined in CNode)CNode [protected]
EventWatch(CChannel *channel, __time duration) (defined in CHostClient)CHostClient
Finalize() (defined in CHostClientPull)CHostClientPull [virtual]
Id() (defined in CNode)CNode [inline]
id (defined in CNode)CNode [protected]
info (defined in CHostClientPull)CHostClientPull [protected]
layerIgmp (defined in CHost)CHost [protected]
layerIp (defined in CNode)CNode [protected]
layerIpLocal (defined in CNode)CNode [protected]
layerIpMcast (defined in CNode)CNode [protected]
layerUdp (defined in CNode)CNode [protected]
Link() (defined in CHostClientPull)CHostClientPull [inline, private]
Link(__uint32 index) (defined in CNode)CNode [inline]
LinkEntry(__uint32 index) (defined in CNode)CNode [inline]
LinkIndex(__uint32 id) (defined in CNode)CNode [inline]
NumLinks() (defined in CNode)CNode [inline]
Recv(__uint32 entry, CPacketIp *ip, CPacketUdp *udp, CPacket *packet) (defined in CHostClientPull)CHostClientPull [private]
Recv(CObject *sender, __uint32 entry, CPacket *packet) (defined in CNode)CNode [virtual]
route (defined in CNode)CNode [protected]
SendMessage(CAddress dst, CStreamMessage *message) (defined in CHostClientPull)CHostClientPull [private]
SendStream(CAddress dst, CPacketStream *packet) (defined in CHostClientPull)CHostClientPull [private]
sessionTimeFinish (defined in CHostClient)CHostClient [protected]
sessionTimeStart (defined in CHostClient)CHostClient [protected]
sim (defined in CObject)CObject [protected]
StatDataRead() (defined in CNode)CNode [inline]
StatDataWrite() (defined in CNode)CNode [inline]
state (defined in CHostClient)CHostClient [protected]
STATE_OFF enum value (defined in CHostClient)CHostClient
STATE_ON_IDLE enum value (defined in CHostClient)CHostClient
STATE_ON_WATCHING enum value (defined in CHostClient)CHostClient
StatFramesDiscarded() (defined in CHostClient)CHostClient [inline]
statFramesDiscarded (defined in CHostClient)CHostClient [protected]
statFramesExpected (defined in CHostClient)CHostClient [protected]
StatFramesExpected() (defined in CHostClient)CHostClient [inline]
statFramesRecv (defined in CHostClient)CHostClient [protected]
StatFramesRecv() (defined in CHostClient)CHostClient [inline]
StatPacketsRead() (defined in CNode)CNode [inline]
StatPacketsWrite() (defined in CNode)CNode [inline]
streamClient (defined in CHostClient)CHostClient [protected]
~CHost() (defined in CHost)CHost [virtual]
~CHostClient() (defined in CHostClient)CHostClient [virtual]
~CHostClientPull() (defined in CHostClientPull)CHostClientPull [virtual]
~CNode() (defined in CNode)CNode [virtual]
~CObject() (defined in CObject)CObject [inline, virtual]

Last updated: February 8, 2011